Monday, December 10, 2007

Last one out turn off the lights

Hello Everyone and this is it.
The end.
The last Blog.
No more Friday afternoons downstairs with Kathryn getting passionate about some new gadget.
No more discovering new and exciting technologies that remotely drive me a little batty.
The more astute will say that learning is a lifetime decision, and to that I will wholeheartedly agree but will I be twittering while I do it?
The only answer I have is, god I hope not.

Did I reach me goals?
Maybe broadly....but it was something we should have done regardless.
Learning new tech can be painful but doing it in a group shared the pain around well and most people found a comfortable mentor or at least someone to rage against the machine with.
IN fact, most times I saw small groups of 23 thingers, there was a sense of frustration but a hell of a lot of giggling too.
It actually struck me as well how lucky we are that Murdoch gave us the opportunity to run the program, the sheer cost of the program would have been prohibitive for many businesses let alone the prep time etc.
We are also fortunate that we have such an enthusiastic facilitator in Kathryn, many of these technologies can be dry and confusing, but as I was told many times by participants, she brings a vibrancy and a clarity to the use and understanding of these strange new worlds.
Looking back, more importantly is the fact that the above while incredibly sincere, is in fact quite a lot of sucking up for the one blog.
But will it get my a new Ipod?, sadly no.

I wasn't sure about some of the tech we used or really where they would be best used (if at all).

I'll be frank here, I can see the applications for many of these techs but many I will be waiting to see them become mainstream and then see if they actually are the best tool for the job.

Some will , some won't. The next round of Tech will be different again and discovering those will be just as much fun.

A real congratulations to those that were finding it a bit hard and have made the grade.
Well Done, grab a treat and spoil yourself a bit, you did something worthwhile here and the payoff will come later when people ask you questions and you can say things like :

"Actually I think a wiki would be better than a blog in this case"
"Yeah, you can find me on facebook"
"No, I don't know the way to playboy island but I do know you are talking about second life"
"Is that new tech like this new tech?"
"No thank you, I respectfully decline your offer to join a twitter group"

It was a pleasure to read your blogs and you weren't all white noise in the hum of the internet.

See you round the wire.

1 comment:

kate said...

i just found your comment on the flybarian's blog about using the mousewheel to open a new link without losing previous tabs - brilliant! that has been bugging me for ages, and I assumed I was doing something wrong, or hadn't made the right request at some point when setting up - I'd even thought of asking someone how to sort it out, but hadnt - and there it is - use your mouse wheel! thank you thank you thank you