Friday, November 30, 2007

Facbook and Twitter

OK the facts:

I have a Facebook account.
I have played on Facebook for a long time.
I updated every day.
I found some friends on Facebook I hadn't talked to in a long time.
I played some games
I played some more games
I got addicted to plants and eggs
I played texas holdum poker at 2AM with US college students
I did this :)

and then I realised maybe it was time to stop.

Is facebook fun : yes
Is facebook a little addictive : yes
Is facebook a way to catch up with friends and networks: yes
Is facebook a useful tool for librarians : debateable
Do we need to know about it : yes
Should I spend a lot of time here : hell no, I got work to do

As for twitter, in the words of spike milligan.

"The boy stood on the burning deck, whence all but he had fled. Twit"

I understand the applications for twitter, but really it may work in conferences but why would you want a 140 character IM service?
To me its like taking an IM and removing all the good bits.
I do see that it's like an IM in reverse, if you want to message a lot of people all at once then I guess this would work but hmmm, really set up a conference or an IM group instead.

Hopefully, this goes the way of the laserdisk.

Captain Kirk understands

Until next time

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