Friday, October 12, 2007

avatar made

Meez was really giving me a headache so I found a Simpsons avatar creator, much more limited but there you go.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Just when you thought it was safe

Hi everyone, just when I thought it was ok to just post a youtube video instead of a blog, I see kathryn's email. :(

So here we are, a quick tutorial on RSS feeds and top see someone in a budget RSS feed costume:

but check out my second last post for outlook functionality and reader.

As far as learning new stuff from my rss postings this month, not a lot.

Definitely a feeling of community after reading the lighthouse blog

Definitely a feeling of fear of upgrade after finding out about USB 3

and a genuine feeling that change is challenging after reading a few blogs this week.

Do yourself a favor and check out the video at Black and White
and try to keep awake. Informative but my god the delivery :)

And as always something to mull over: